Category: Performance Improvement

Disengage From Fear

The recession is tough. There is no doubt about it. Like many of you I’ve been through several. I’ve learned some very important things about what works and what doesn’t work when our companies, and we as individuals, are faced with challenging economic times. I want to share some of these insights, and am devoting this article to helping you and your business survive the recession, and even prosper through it. The key is to disengage from fear.


Topics:Getting UnstuckPerformance Improvement

Building Business Partnerships For Collaboration

Building group to group partnerships in government and business is more essential than ever. No group or person can do it alone. This article will answer three questions:

  • What is driving the need for group to group partnerships?
  • How do we characterize the heart of this challenge?
  • What should be considered when building business partnerships?


Topics:Getting UnstuckOperational DevelopmentPerformance ImprovementTransformational Change

Who You Are Affects Customer Focus

Virtually every company and government organization develops products and/or services for its external customers. Who am I to tell you how to do it for your particular business? You know the business. You talk with your customers. That’s not an issue. So what is the issue? How do you develop customer focused products and services?


Topics:Customer FocusEnterprise of the FuturePerformance ImprovementStrategy and TransformationTransformational Change

Align Your Way To Customer Focus

Last month we talked about the nature of customer focused leadership and organizations. But how do you know if you have a customer focused organization? How do you build one? This month I want to share a consultant’s secret for understanding and building customer focused organizations.

Topics:Consulting CompetenciesCustomer FocusOrganizational ChangePerformance ImprovementSoft SkillsTransformational Change

Customer Focus And The Leader As Servant

With all of the things that companies are doing today to become more customer focused, you don’t often hear what that exactly means to the organization and its leadership. To help with that, I would like to offer some perspective on what makes leaders customer focused, and some tips on what you can do to help your own organization improve in this area. In particular, how do we develop customer focused leadership that supports business operations and the people that deliver customer focused products and services?


Topics:Customer FocusOrganizational ChangePerformance ImprovementTransformational Change